Outreach For World Hope
Outreach For World Hope
From The Founders
One voice speaks for the voiceless,
hope for the hopeless, Emmanuel.
One love brings us together,
now and forever Emmanuel.
Matt Maher - Glory, Let There be Peace

Dear Friends:
I hope this finds you well. What a year it has been! As I reflected on the news I would share this season, I came across some stationery featuring our beautiful flag, and it occurred to me that although our country has been through a difficult year, we have much to celebrate.
This symbol of hope and freedom is hanging proudly alongside the Guatemalan flag in our newly inaugurated Maternity Home as if to symbolize that we are still willing and able to help. The lives of mothers and infants are being saved because, in spite of the hardships in our own country, people continue to care and to give selflessly to help those who are worse off. Thanks to you, the OWH family, none of our life-saving programs have been hindered in any way by the economic downturn at home, and food distribution has been expanded to help families affected by the pandemic in Guatemala.
Despite contrasting opinions within our country, and even among close friends, there are some things we all agree on … children should not die of hunger, mothers and infants should not die in childbirth, little bodies should not be infested with parasites, human beings should have clean water to drink and clean air to breathe, and families should have roofs over their heads. So, we set our differences aside and unite behind our cause, sharing our resources and praying to the same God for those who need our help. Our common values matter more than the things that divide us, which is why we are still the United States of America to whom others look for help. So regardless of ever-changing circumstances, together we find peace, and even joy in the knowledge that we have done what we could to make the world a better place through our love and generosity.

Please take a moment to read the uplifting stories on our Recent News page with the knowledge that your support has been an answer to prayer for many at a time when hope was hard to find.
We Wish You a Merry and Blessed Holiday Season,
Kim and Randy Tews