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Distribution of Basic Life Necessities

For most of us, it is hard to imagine living in a situation where a pair of underwear is an unspeakable luxury and one meal a day is often unobtainable. It is also hard to imagine that this could be the case only four hours away by airplane, from our lives of abundance and comfort.  OWH visiting teams have experienced real poverty first hand, some for the first time, as they traveled on short term volunteer mission trips to serve and bless their brothers and sisters in need. OWH teams have distributed countless tons of food, clothing, shoes, vitamins, toys, bibles and medical supplies to most desperately needy families of Central America.

OWH has helped to avert humanitarian crisis situations following natural disasters by partnering with World Vision and refugee camp leaders for the distribution of personal hygiene items, food, medical care, clothing and bibles following natural disasters such as the Nicaraguan mudslide crisis of 2004 and the flooding and mudslide crisis of  2008 in eastern Guatemala during which hundreds of families were placed in refugee camps after having lost their homes, their land and their personal belongings.

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